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The Burial Mound in Patagi
Patagi in Evros, Greece The Burial Mound in Patagi with diameter of 25m and height of 1,21m has lost a large amount of the earth heaped on it due to field work, as a result of which the big corner stones have appeared at the surface and are visible.
There archaeologists have found a destroyed and plundered rectangular tomb, built of three rows of square stones with light walls and covered with a few square flag-stones. The floor was also built of square flag-stones. The inside measures of the tomb are: length – 2,36m and width – 1,25m.The presence of a roughly built corridor 1,50m long and 0,60 – 0,90m wide is still a mystery. This organization of the inner space must have been connected to the burial rites. The gifts inside the tomb, if such existed at all, have already disappeared. A few fragments of plain pottery only, parts of bones and an element of an iron object have been found. Quite many fragments of the skeleton of the deceased have been found scattered inside the corridor. For the lack of artifacts, otherwise significant from architectural point of view, the tomb in Patagi could not be dated precisely. Considering the mode of building, however, historians suggest that it should be referred to the end of the 4th or the beginning of the 3rd century.